Channel Partner Reporting - Looker

Reporting can be set up and sent via Looker. The examples below showcase metrics at lead-level for more granular look at funnel metrics, and in the aggregate by date for a high-lever look at performance over regular intervals.

These can be scheduled at a regular cadence (daily, weekly, etc). Common forms of delivery are email and sftp (username/password authentication), but Looker also supports delivery via webhook and to an S3 bucket. Please reach out to your partner manager for assistance setting up delivery in your desired method.

Standard Reports

Here are two reports you can expect to see

Lead-level metrics

The following is a snapshot of lead-level metrics. This will show you how far leads are progressing in the funnel, and monetization/payout to you, when applicable.

Aggregated metrics by date

The following is a snapshot of aggregate performance metrics over certain periods of time. These will give you an idea of how your campaign/placement is peforming overall. This is typically provided ad hoc on request, so your partner manager can review and explain funnel metrics together, and provide guidance when appropriate.

Please contact your Partner Manager for more details and to set up reporting via Looker.

Last updated